EN54 is a mandatory European standard which applies to all components of a fire detection and alarm systems.
As a Commercial Audio distributor, we are only concerned with the sections of the Standard which apply to Voice Evacuation Public Address Systems - those sections being EN54-24 for Voice Alarm loudspeakers and EN54-16 for Voice Alarm Controllers, Amplifiers and their peripherals.
EN54-24 Loudspeakers are used in a Voice Alarm System to broadcast emergency evacuation messages in all kinds of public buildings such as airports, shopping centres and football stadia. The EN 54-24 certification requires a high level of audibility & intelligibility and the speaker circuit integrity must be protected in the event of a fire. This is to ensure that the loudspeaker circuit remains functional so that emergency messages may still reach undamaged areas of the affected building in an emergency.
Voice Alarm Amplifiers must comply with EN54-16 and have line supervision and emergency paging override features.
Voice Alarm is a highly specialised area of Public address and should only be installed by an experienced audio engineer with the correct PA/VA expetise to ensure the system meets all the required standards. Please contact us if you would like us to put you in touch with an appropriate audio installation specialist from our nationwide customer base.
For more information about EN54 compliant audio equipment, click here for our dedicated EN54 Voice Alarm page.