The TOA VX-2000DS Emergency Backup Power Supply Unit is used in conjunction with the VM-3000 series Voice Alarm system in order to provide essential power in the event of a mains failure. One VX-2000DS is required for every 3 VM amplifiers in the system.
The VX2000DS requires 2 x 12V sealed lead batteries such as the Panasonic LC-X1265PG/APG. These are kept charged by the unit at all times, and will take over supply of power if the mains supply is interrupted.
This backup power supply can also be used with other voice alarm systems in the TOA range such as the VX and SX-2000 series, but further DC power supplies are needed for this application – please contact us for advice.
- Keeps 2 x 12 V sealed lead batteries charged while maintaining temperature compensation for the charging voltage.
- Detects charging circuitry or battery failures and transmits failure signals to the DS LINK of the TOA Voice Evacuation Systems (VX-2000, SX-2000, and VM-3000).
- Automatically disconnects the battery if its voltage reaches a discharge final level.
- Automatically switch-over in case of AC mains failure
- EN 54-4 certified, Certificate No: 1134-CPR-083