LD Systems CURV500 SLA T
The LD Systems CURV 500 SLA T SmartLink adapter enables up to 6 Curv 500® satellite speakers to be used on a high impedance audio system, 70 or 100 Volt line.
The integrated transformer offers a selection of four output tappings from 10 to 80 Watts.
It has an input for a 2-pin screw connector.
The CURV500SLAT is available in black (LDCURV500SLAT) or white (LDCURV500SLAWT).
- 70 / 100 V SmartLink® adapter for up to 6 LD CURV 500® satellites.
- Integrated transformer with 10, 20, 40 and 80 W output taps @ 4 ohms
- 2-pin input for screw connector
- Switchable for 70 or 100 V operation
- Accessories available for mounting on walls and ceilings