Bosch Dicentis DCNM-LSDU
Bosch DCNM-LSDU dual use at seat software module.
The functionality of the DICENTIS Wireless Device can be extended by the use of licenses. The DCN multimedia Dual Use at Seat license allows two participants to use the same Wireless Device and still have their names correctly displayed in the speakers list or with the camera image. It even allows one participant to speak while the other participant is in the waiting-to-speak list. The DCN multimedia Dual Use at Seat license can be extended with identification and/or voting to make the Wireless Device even more versatile. The license is supplied as an activation code and is enabled in the same way as the other activation codes in the DICENTIS system.
- Each of the participants can activate and deactivate the microphone by using their own dedicated microphone request button.
- To ensure ease of use, the microphone request button functions the same way as a Wireless Device configured for single use.
Dual-use with identification
- When the DCNM-WDE Wireless Device Extended is configured for dual-use, and the DCN multimedia Identification at Seat license DCNM-LSID is activated, each participant can conveniently log on to the discussion system by using their Near Field Communication (NFC) tag.
- When logging on, participants can decide if they want to sit on the left or right side of the Wireless Device.
- Participants can log off at any time, by pressing their own logoff button.
- Two copies of the DCNM-LSID license are required for each dual-use Wireless Device that requires Identification at Seat.
Dual-use with voting
- When the DCNM-WDE Wireless Device Extended is configured for dual-use, and the DCN multimedia Voting at Seat license DCNM-LSVT is activated, each participant can vote at the same time by using their own voting buttons.
- Two copies of the DCNM-LSVT license are required for each dual-use Wireless Device that requires Voting at Seat.